Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GSE Dispensing automates ink logistics with Direct Dispenser for process, premixed inks and coatings

GSE Dispensing, a global supplier of automated ink logistics systems and software, introduces a fast, automatic labour-saving way of dispensing process colours, coatings and ready-mixed colours that need no blending directly to the packaging printing press. Suited for flexo and gravure printing processes, the Direct Dispenser is a volumetric system that replaces the manual filling of the printing press, which is a labour-intensive process.

Ink is pumped into a 50 litre-capacity mobile tank or a fixed tank by a diaphragm pump that features an ink meter to measure volume. Suction tubes connecting the tank to the ink chamber of the press ensure that the press remains constantly replenished with sufficient ink or coating during the process. Sensors in the tank automatically reactivate the dispensing process when ink or coating falls below pre-determined volumes. A touch-screen operator interface situated at the press ensures easy control of the system.

The Direct Dispenser also logs consumption levels, raw material types used for each job and for which application. The system can be used in combination with a personal computer or Colorsat dispensing system and GSE Dispensing's proprietary Ink Management Software (IMS). The integration with IMS provides accessible, transparent ink and coating costs per job and enables ink and coating used on any job to be traced to the batch code. This provides reassurance for packaging suppliers to the food industry, where strict health and safety controls on raw materials are enforced.

Maarten Hummelen, marketing director of GSE Dispensing, says: "With its ease of use and automation, the Direct Dispenser, accelerates and simplifies the conventionally labour-intensive process of ink replenishment of the printing press. By integrating with our Ink Management Software, for the first time the printer gains full cost and trace-ability control of inks that are directly consumed at the press. This system provides an important platform for a more flexible, leaner printing operation."