Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Early bird registration closes tomorrow for ASPA’s Authentication Forum 2018

 Authentication Forum 2018: International Leadership Summit on Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection
Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) is conducting its two-day leadership summit - The Authentication Forum 2018 on Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection on March 15-16, 2018 at Hotel Taj Mahal, Man Singh, New Delhi.

The Authentication Forum 2018 this time promises to be bigger and better with over 200 delegates and eminent speakers from across the globe discussing key topics such as;
• Understand the regulatory perspective – role of Government roles to protect the interests of consumers.
• Understand the 5Ws of Counterfeiting: What, Who, When, Where, Why?
• Hear Global perspectives on the fight against counterfeiting
• Educate yourself on the future of anti-counterfeiting technologies – Can Blockchain and NFC play a part?
• Understand how to select the right Anti-counterfeiting technologies and solutions
• Learn from the practical examples of brand owners through their case studies
• Learn to devise your Enforcement Efforts and Raids

Not only the discussions, the forum also gives a chance to network and interact with the Best Minds in the industry. So be a part of The Big Debate: An Interactive Townhall Session (Who is going to take the lead against fighting Fakes) and much more!

While the normal and on-spot registrations will be on till the day of the Forum, the Early Bird Registrations close tomorrow - 31st January 2018. Hurry up and save on the discount offered…

As usual, Labels India is Media Partner to the event alongwith Labels & Labelling and Authentication News.