Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

UNO: The new line of slitters from Comexi Group

PROSLIT, the Comexi Group trademark for slitters and rewinders has launched a new product onto the market: the new UNO slitter.With this new line, Comexi takes a step forward in offering solutions for projects with long runs that require diameters greater than 800mm.

This new project was designed to offer a high performance machine with excellent regulation and fantastic results in output reels for customers who work with long runs and large output reel diameters.

It is specially designed for rigid materials although it has shown good results for more flexible materials. PROSLIT UNO is perfect for projects with paper, self­adhesive, aluminum down to 12 microns and all kinds of rigid or laminated plastics that require long runs and slit reels with a large diameter. PROSLIT UNO has already been installed in two customers’ premises (two in Mexico and one in Germany) and has shown excellent results.

UNO Features
The new PROSLIT UNO is available in 1400mm and 1700mm widths. The maximum diameter of the parent roll is between 1300mm (1,500 mm as an option) and up to 2150kg in weight (3000Kg optional). It can reach a maximum speed of 400m/min in its standard configuration and 600m/min optionally. The maximum diameter of finished reels is up to 1000mm. Reels are supported in an expandable shaft that permits uniformly distributed weights of up to 1000kg. The machine is completely controlled through a touch screen, and the length of the run can be programmed according to the diameter of the parent roll, linear meters or the diameter of the output reel. It also has an option for storing work parameters in an internal memory thus making the operator’s work easier.

Productivity and quality of UNO rewinder
The UNO includes all the standards of PROSLIT products thanks to which COMEXI GROUP has achieved a privileged position in the slitting and rewinding market. To that extent, the new UNO includes a lay-on roller with ALTS technology (Advanced Lineal Tracking System) that incorporates two bowed rollers, one prior slitting and one prior rewinding. Specially equipped with 20mm rings and a variable curvature, these bowed rollers are essential to the smooth functioning of the entire process. In addition, they are manufactured with special low inertia bearings. The objective of this entire process is to secure a good quality, rewound output reels. The ALTS system gives our customers perfect control over the rewinding process by providing permanent contact with the lay-on roller at a single point. This system guarantees an exceptional quality of the finished product.

The design of the UNO prevents vibrations with the use of 50mm frames and offers excellent accessibility for daily work and high productivity at a reasonable level of investment.

Market focus
In light of its features, the UNO is the perfect choice for several markets, from flexible packaging (both in plastic as well as paper) to almost any paper, aluminum or adhesives market.